500 Word Story – Emma

The Little Farm

On the farm in Skeld there’s cows, 3 big horses and 5 ponies and they’re all Girls par one whose name is Hendry and he was the little one. The owner Jim was away because he went to buy some bulls and there was a Boy there looking after the farm. The boy was kind of shy .The boy was called Bob and he was scared because all their bulls are very wild, and there 8 of them and there all Charlie Bulls.

One day a lady Came to the farm here name was Ruby. She was just here because she was training Hendry because he is very naughty and she was trying to train two of the bulls. They were very wild so Jim said that she would need to be careful.

Next it was Wednesday and Ruby had trained all the bulls. Later on that day two of the bulls got out because Ruby had forgot to lock the gate. Jim and John had to get some gates and try to catch the bulls. They got them in a corner and they got the helter on them and got them in the trailer and back home to the bier so they will not get out. Ruby would not come again.
On Thursday there was a storm, a bit of the roof came off of the shed and it flew of with all the wind and it crashed against the shed wall and Jim felt it shake. So the next morning when the storm had stopped Jim went out to feed the bulls and the other half of the shed roof came off it was kind of old so Jim did not care .He borrowed a crane and once it was sunnier he got his brother to help .Next he got the iron sheets on the shed roof.
Next it was time for the show. Everyone loved the show .The show had lots of fun things because there was 80 bulls going to the show and there 80 horses going too. Jim wanted his two bulls to win the champions because he has won 3 years in a row .If he wins this time he will win a prize. So Jim took his bulls to the show. When it was his turn he led them around the showroom, he was happy because he had a good feeling he was going to win this year. The judges liked the bull because it was the cleanest bull there. Jim won champion and got a rosette. He felt amazed.
The next day Jim’s dad came home. His dad was surprised that a lot had changed while he was away and was surprised at Jim winning a prize. He was proud because Jim had fixed the roof and looked after all the animals so well. As a surprise and for looking after the farm so well, Jim got a new bull. He named him Findlay. So they all celebrated together.

By Emma

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