Thursday 23rd January

First thing we did was spelling games it was fun, Emma won the diddy dot for getting 91 points in the games.
Secondly we wrote instructions, I wrote ‘How to Make a Sandwich’ but different people did different topics like ‘How to drive a Quad’ or ‘How to feed a cow’ it was fun and I enjoyed it.
After that we did maths.
Next we did French we sang the French song Alouette, it is a song about a lark that had woken up people and they would pluck it because they were angry.
Then we had dinner.
After we had been at dinner we read the class novel, in maths Lewis and Jason made cupcakes because they were doing weight so we ate the very yummy cakes.

Finally we did our topic on space. We will all be making separate planets out of mod rock we will also be making fact files on the planet we had chosen so we were researching the planet, it was fun. We also did the diameters of the planets and it will be to scale so the sun will be 4 metres long but Pluto will be 0.6 of a centimetre. Overall it was a good day.
By Nicola

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