Thursday 2nd June

In the morning we did 20 minutes of handwriting and Nicola thought it was boring. After that we peer assessed others stories and John-Frank liked it and Rachel liked kierens story about the Shetland sheep. After break we did maths Kieren found the maths challenging and the games fun and so did Jonathan. Rachel, Jenna, Hannah and Morgan’s group did an adding game it was fun. Rachel won the game. Hermione, Corey and Nicola’s group did division for the 8 times table and 9 times tables. After maths we read our new class novel “Around the back of the ice house” .We had lunch, and after lunch we planned our city of Skandwick. Jenna and Morgan won and Jenna enjoyed making it. After that we did looking at rocks and seeing if they were water-worn, bashed or crushed or weathered.

In the morning the Little class did a mixture of things p-3 did handwriting Lewis liked it and p-1-2 did maths, Emma liked the maths After brake they did animal fact files Lewis’s animal was a duck Emma’s animal was a Horse and Erin’s animal was a yew.
Then they did play block. Lewis played with kenex and made cars. Emma played with stickle bricks. Then they did they’re P.L.P. folders Lewis thought it was Okay. Lewis thought the day was good.

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