Burravoe Primary School

Christmas Play 2018

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Last night we had the Christmas play. I was a trow in the play and there was five other trows and there was Mum and Auntie Beatrice and two children in the play. We all had a script to practise the play and we had to practise the play in the Kirk before last night.  The trows had to go and steal the food that was on the table and take it back to their cave.The family had to come and bring the food back for them and bring it back to the home so they could eat it. The food was  carrots, brussel sprouts,turkey and stuffing. We had to take all the food even the turkey we took it all back and the family said that the trows could eat the Christmas dinner as well with the family. At the end there was a collection for St Colman’s Kirk – it raised £100.

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