We don’t have many Farms but we have small holdings called Crofts. We have thousands of sheep, they live in fields and they live on the hills . Most of the Sheep here are Shetland Sheep they are small and can survive in the Shetland weather and eat rougher grass and heather. Shetland Sheep come different colours. They are manly white and black and Lots of different shades of brown. We have Shetland Ponies which are small and they also are black and brown and white. They are Shetland cows which are smaller then Crossbred cows that can live on rough grass and they don’t need so much shelter. They are Ducks and Hens which are free range. A few people have Shetland Hens and Ducks Which are Smaller in size.
Photos of Shetland Sheep and Cows
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