Burravoe Primary School

The Last Day of School!


Today is the last day of school but I am going to talk about the concert. The concert was so fun and my favourite part was doing the PHM. andco presentation, which was what we did with a teacher and it was to do with the rivers project and it was so fun but I also loved doing the play it was amazing. First we did the play and I introduced it and wrote it and it was called The Egg. Then Neil, Kerry, Sonia and Honor read out some of their poems and pieces of writing. Kerry and Mia played some tunes on their fiddles and they were amazing! After they finished then the little ones did some French songs and some of them they sung in English too. Then it was the PHM. and co presentation and everyone loved that! After we’d finished P7 did a presentation on their years in Burravoe from P1-P7. Then most of us sung and danced to Happy by Pharrel Williams. Then we did the prize giving, Mia and Leah got the music cups and we all got certificates. We sung the Trowie song at the end. The night was so fun and I had a great time doing it!








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