On Monday 22rd of September Karen came to the School and talked about rock pools. The first thing she talked about was the tides. Karen did a demonstration about the tides. The moon was the pickle onion, the sun was the orange, the blue rope was the tide and the earth was a fake cookie. She showed us seaweed and we got to touched it. Then she put the fish tank on the table and filled it with water. Karen took out a rock with seaweed and she took a blob it was called sea annename. A sea annename sting by the tentikal. Then she took out crabs there was one crab was small then Bradley’s thumb.
We went outside to the Burravoe pier to do rock pools. I found seaweed but the interesting thing about seaweed is you can age them by the bumpy bits and dog welks. Mia found a crab and I hold it. I learned that you tell if a crab is female or a male.
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