
In maths we were comparing the lengths of different objects in the classroom by measuring the objects using cubes. We had to think how long or how tall something was and which object was the longest or tallest.


Writing a Sentence

Last week we began to talk about how to put words together to build a sentence. We discussed the difference between a word and a sentence, how to lay out a sentence, the importance of having spaces between our words and the job of a full stop!
We planned our sentence using our fingers to help us remember the words then we wrote the sentence on our whiteboards.

Scottish Book Week

As part of Scottish Book Week  children in P1 are each given a bag of books to take home and enjoy. Last week in class we spent time  sharing, reading and listening to these books and on Friday the children were thrilled to take their Book Bug bag home.

The first book we focussed on was Arlo the Lion Who Couldn’t Sleep by Catherine Rayner. In the story an owl teaches Arlo about how to  take time to relax his body and mind. We practised some of the mindfulness activities that owl taught Arlo. We then made our own Arlo the lion and drew pictures of the dreams that Arlo might of had.

The second book from the bag was a nonfiction or fact book called My First Book of Woodland Animals by Zoe Ingram. We thought  about the difference between a story book and a fact book and discussed the lay out and the type of information we found in the book.We all got very excited about the interesting facts and wonderful illustrations in this book. We chose fox to draw a picture of using our oil pastels.

The last book in the bag was the story of Inch and Grub by Alastair Chisholm. This is the tale of two very competitive cavemen, who want to have more than the other but in the end they realise that the most important thing to have is each other’s friendship.

We drew what we thought Inch and Grub’s towers of belongings might look like.

On Monday we will vote for our favourite book in the bag. To listen to the books being read aloud or to find out more about the Scottish Book Trust visit


Inch and Grub

We’ve had another great day with a very funny story! Today we read the story of Inch and Grub, two friends who try to outdo each other with their bigger houses and advancing technology until they see the error of their ways and see life was better when they lived in their caves and were friends.

This morning we looked at some cave paintings and then we tried our own. We used sandpaper as it felt like a little like stone, and carefully drew around some animals. We talked about how cavemen couldn’t pop to the shops or order paint from Amazon – they had to make their own! So we collected some dirt from our school garden, ground it up and removed the stones. We added water to get it to the right consistency. We then cheated a little by adding a little bit of red paint to get the colour we wanted.

First we painted our animal and then we used a template of our hands to draw around the outside. They worked really well, and was only a little messy!

This afternoon we looked again at Inch and Grub’s wobbly towers of belongings. We talked about building towers and got the foam bricks out.  We worked in groups of four and then all together to build the tallest and sturdiest tower. We worked hard to take turns and pretended we were on a real building site!

This afternoon in circle time we talked about how we could put things right if we fall out with our friends, like Inch and Grub did. We talked about being respectful, sharing and saying sorry.

Here are some photos from today:

My first book of woodland animals

Today we looked at another book in our book bag – My First Book of Woodland Animals.

We had fun reading about all of the animals and sharing our favourites. Then we all chose an animal and did a fact file. We drew the animal, their tracks and then with support wrote a fact.

This afternoon in reading time we looked at the hedgehog page and made our own plasticine hedgehogs. We thought about what a hedgehog has – a pointy nose, four legs and a little tail – and then added spikes. Mrs Wilson helped us collect leaves for our hedgehogs so they have somewhere cosy to hibernate.

Also this afternoon we also read a little more about the frog and started a frog picture. The first step was to sketch the frog. Next week we will paint it and cut it out.

Here are some photos from today:

Arlo, the Lion who couldnt sleep

Today we read Arlo, The lion who couldn’t sleep.

Arlo can’t fall asleep, he just can’t get comfortable. He meets an owl who sings him a relaxing song:

Think about the places where you’d like to be,

the things that you’d do there and what you might see.

Relax your whole body, slow your breathing right down,

imagine you’re sinking into the soft ground.

Today as we were listening to the words we felt ourselves feeling very sleepy and some of us even started yawning! We turned the lights off and had a little lie down and found the owl’s wise words helped us relax!

We talked about how grumpy we can be when we don’t get enough sleep and how cheerful we are (or not!) in the morning.

We then drew a black pen picture of a lion and together retold the story of Arlo and had a try at writing it. In our play we made beds and dens for Arlo.

Here are some photos from today:

W is for Wolf 🐺!

Our new sound today was w, we got a huge fright when Mrs Collins went to get Michael the puppet out of his special bag but instead of Michael it was Winnie the Witch  🧙‍♀️! She had turned Michael into a frog!

Our book week story today was about a wolf, so to help us learn our sound we made a wolf puppet to take home.

Book Week Scotland

This week as part of Scottish Book Week we will be enjoying sharing, reading and discussing different books.

Today our focus book was The Last Wolf by Mini Grey, this is a story about a girl,  Little Red who discovers there is lots of rubbish in the forest and not enough trees to allow the animals to thrive. Little Red wants to help, so she decides to plant trees and make posters to encourage people to look after and protect woodlands.

After discussing the importance of looking after the woods we made our own posters to encourage people to Save Our Woods!

To read more about Scottish Book Week and to listen to different authors share their books visit the Scottish Book Trust website.






The last wolf

For Book Week Scotland we’re looking at a different story each day.

Today we looked at The Last Wolf by Mini Grey. This year the whole school is looking at the same book and our taking inspiration from COP26 and looking at a book that encourages us to care for our environment.

In the story Little Red meets the last wolf, the last bear and the last lynx, who are staying together in a little house thinking about the ‘good old days’ when there were lots of forests for them to run, eat and sleep in and when they weren’’t the last of their kind. Little Red decides to help, encouraging everyone to plant more trees.

This morning we made posters to put up asking people to ‘Save our trees!’ We discussed why trees are so important not just for animals but for us too.

In the story there is lots of litter in the forest and this afternoon we talked about how dangerous litter can be for many animals. This afternoon we walked around the school grounds on a litter pick. We worked well sharing the litter pickers and were pleased we could do something to help.

Also today, we read books from our library and this afternoon made our own books to add to it! We talked about we can all be authors and illustrators and came up with stories about unicorns, trains, dinosaurs, a snowman and many more! These are now in our library corner for other children to read.

Here are a few pictures from our day:

Saying Goodbye to Mrs Ward

Last week we said goodbye to Mrs Ward. We wanted to give her something special to remember her time at Kingsland, so Primary 1a and b worked together to make her a special book about one of her favourite things, dinosaurs 🦕!
Here are a few of our pictures…..



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