Number Fun in P1

This week primary 1 were trying  to find different ways of building Numbers using Cusenaire  rods and Numicon.

We are continuing to spend time everyday forming numbers. This week we have written numbers in pen, pencil, chalk and in play dough. We use our number rhymes to help and have been trying to check that our numbers are facing the correct way.

Making 6


e is for elephant 🐘

Primary 1 have been learning about the e sound. Michael the puppet was cracking eggs into a frying pan! We talked about words with e in them and learnt the Jolly Phonic song for e. Mrs Collins read us the story of Elmer the elephant and we made our own elephant to take home.

A herd of P1 elephants!

Feeling Frightened

Today we were talking about feeling  frightened. Some of us are scared of the dark, others are frightened of spiders, some of us were scared on our first day of school! We thought about how our body feels and our face looks when we feel frightened. We used our ideas to make our plasticine faces.

K is for kite 🪁

This week we are learning about the k sound as in kangaroo, kiwi and koala. We talked about words that had the k sound in them, we had to think carefully about where in the word we could hear the k sound eg kit at the beginning, book at the end and donkey in the middle.

We worked hard to make our own kites and then had great fun flying them on the school field

Hard work in P1b

(Title chosen by Conrad)

This week the children helped to write the blog. We talked about what the blog is, who can see it and what we should put on it. We thought about all of the learning we could share this week.

We learned the n sound and looked at some real birds nests. They were made of sticks, moss, paper and even hair! One had (pretend) eggs in it.

We then went to the outdoor classroom and collected lots of sticks. We made our own nests. We had to take turns to each put a stick on the nest.

We read a story called Not a Stick. We drew pictures of our own pigs and put some of the sticks on them. We used our imagination and thought of different things the stick could be.

We learned the c sound and had a go clicking castanets. We read The Very Hungry Caterpillar and The Enormous Crocodile stories.

Our favourite things this week were:

  • Reading The Enormous Crocodile.
  • Making angry plasticine faces.
  • Cutting out the letters, we were very careful to follow the lines.
  • Making the nests.
  • Watching the assembly with Mrs Ward.
  • Choosing pictures for the blog.

Here are the pictures we have chosen to show our learning this week:

Exploring our feelings – feeling angry

We have been discussing times when we have felt angry, we thought about how being angry made us feel and how our body reacts to feeling angry eg clenching our hands, tightening our shoulders. We shared different things we could do to help us calm down and who could help us.

We used plasticine to create our angry faces and shared our story with Mrs Collins.

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