Learning to read

Everyday we use our word cards to practise our sounds. We play a game called Show Me, Mrs Collins asks us to  to hold up the different sounds that we hear, the sounds might be at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of words. We are also beginning to build small words , we use our fingers to help us break up the words into sounds, today we were making the words hen and pan.

Every week we focus on learning new words. Mrs Collins hangs the words up and we practise reading them.

We have been continuing to meet the characters from our reading books. Mrs Collins has been reading different stories about the characters and we have been learning to read their names by thinking about the different sounds in the words, the shape of the words, any letter patterns in the words.

Mmmm milkshake!

Michael was very excited today as our new sound  was m, his special sound! He had a feely bag with a mouse and a monkey called Mickey! Mrs Collins told us a story about making delicious milkshakes! We talked about words that have the m sound in them, we learned the Jolly Phonic song and action for m, and made these yummy milkshakes!

Building Percy’s Park

This week we were talking about all the things you would find in Percy’s park for example trees, fences, gates, Percy’s hut, the maze, the pond, the animals homes. We then built his park in lego and using materials we found outside. We used plasticine to make one of Percy’s animals to go in the park…..can you guess which animal we made?


Primary 1 have been spending time talking about friendship.
We have thought about why our friends are special, what we enjoy doing with our friends and how we could be a good friend. We have also discussed how to be a friend to everyone so that no one is left out. Sometimes we have fallouts with our friends, we talked about what we could do to make things right if this happens.

We made friendship bracelets for each other.

Our hands of friendship

Feeling Worried

Primary 1 have been continuing to explore different emotions. This week we were talking about feeling worried. We thought about the things that worried us and what we should do if we had a worry. We  shared a story about a little girl who had a worry that grew and grew until she spoke to someone about how she was feeling. We talked about the importance of talking to someone if we had a worry, it could be our grown ups, our teacher, our brothers and sisters or our friends.

We used our plasticine to make our worried faces and shared our story ideas with Mrs Collins.

r is for rocket 🚀

This week we have been talking about the r sound as in rabbit, red and rhino 🦏! Michael the puppet had a freely bag full of things that begin with the r sound. Mrs Collins read us a story called the Red Planet, the children in the story went on a magic adventure in a rocket! We had great fun making rocket pictures.

h is for hat 🎩!

This week we have been learning about the h sound as in horse, hat, happy and hippo 🦛! Michael the puppet told us a story about a hopping race he entered.  He didn’t win the race but he tried his best and got a big cheer from everyone. We then had some fun hopping up and down the corridor! We looked at the shape of h, talked about different words with the h sound and made a hat to take home.

Looking at leaves in P1b

We’ve had another busy week in P1. We learned two new sounds – h and r. For h we made a hat and have been hopping around the classroom. For r we watched a rocket launch and have been watching stories from the International Space Station.

We’ve been practising writing words and were very pleased to all write a short sentence!

In number time we’ve been working on formation.  Number eight is quite tricky and it would be good to practise this at home. When we wrote a number eight we say the rhyme ‘make a ‘s’ and close the gate, that’s how we make a number 8’.

In our outdoor learning this week we’ve been talking more about evergreen and deciduous trees. We went on a tree hunt to see which types of trees we could spot. We were very excited to see birch, lime, oak and sycamore in our outdoor classroom!

In PE Mrs Fletcher has been showing us how to throw and catch a ball. It is lots of fun.

  • Our highlights this week:
  • Playing dinosaurs at playtime
  • Finding new trees
  • Writing on the whiteboards
  • Learning r
  • Playing with the playdoh
  • Cutting out the letters
  • Making hats
  • Watching the rocket take off

Here are some pictures of our learning and play this week:

Badgers and magpies

We’ve had a very black and white week in P1b this week! We drew and painted badgers, did black pen pictures of magpies and put our black pen self-portraits up at the entrance to the classroom.

The badger and magpie are characters in our Emily Gravett picturebooks. We have been retelling the stories together in our own words, using story stones to help us sequence the events.

In phonics this week we learned the k and the e sounds. For k we helped make kites. To help us learn e we read the story Elmer and the Rainbow and did a brilliant job taking our time to colour in an Elmer.

In numeracy we’re continuing with number formation and have been introducing the language of one more and two more.

In our outdoor learning we’re watching closely to see the leaves changing colour to help us identify deciduous and evergreen trees and are patiently waiting for the leaves to  start falling.

We also enjoyed music with Mrs Ingles this week where we had fun singing and stomping our feet to the beat!

Here are some pictures of our learning and play this week:

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