Primary 1 Reading Packet

On Thursday Primary 1 took home their reading packet. Inside their reading packet there was a copy of the sounds we have covered so far, the names of the characters from the reading books (key words) a copy of the number rhymes and a number formation sheet. These sheets of paper are to be kept at home to help the children practise. The children should bring their reading packets to school everyday so they can put their reading, reading record, keywords, sound activities and letters into it.
Thank you in advance for helping your children with this.


Meeting Floppy

We have been sharing different stories about Floppy the dog that belongs to Biff, Chip and Kipper, the characters in our reading books. We have been learning how to read his name by looking at the patterns of sounds in the word Floppy. We have talked about his  appearance and character from his actions in the different stories. On Thursday we painted Floppy and then used play dough  to make a model.

Goats and gruffalos

We’ve had a lovely final week before the October holidays.

At the start of the week we learned the g sound and spent the rest of the week revising and blending our sounds. For g we made a goat and a gruffalo. We had great fun making gruffalo noises!

In numeracy we’ve been practising adding one and two more, using pasta to help us. We also been looking more closely at the number ten and have been problem solving and seeing what we can make with 10 lollipop sticks and art straws. We were so imaginative – we had a fairground, rockets, a guitar, Christmas trees, a badger and even the Tweed valley!

In health and wellbeing we talked more about Skipper and his river of life. In circle time we made plasticine Skippers and put them in the river. We talked about the different obstacles that might be in the river and some of us shared a time when our own rivers were a little bit choppy. We’re starting to talk about the tools Skipper has in his toolkit that can help us when things are a little choppy.

We’ve also had lots of fun playing this week – the writing table have been having fun will stencils and lots of cutting and gluing and we’ve had lots of fun role play in the kitchen and camping area. Below are some of the pictures we’ve chosen to share this week.

Have a lovely break and we’ll see you again on Tuesday 19th October.

g is for goose

Today our new sound was g as in goat, garden and gold. Primary 1 were very surprised that instead of Michael the puppet coming out of his special bag it was the Gruffalo! Mrs Collins read us the story of the Gruffalo and we found lots of other g words in the story. We looked at the shape of g and made a goose.

A gaggle of geese by P1a

P1 patterns

We have  another busy week this week in P1b. 

Our highlights this week have been:

  • Making lots of patterns. We made a tower as tall as Elliot and Calum!
  • Cutting out our letters. We learned m and d in phonics this week.
  • Making words and writing words on whiteboards
  • Playing outside
  • Making friends
  • Drawing a giraffe with Mrs Brown
  • Mrs Fletcher doing Scottish dancing!
  • Learning dribbling at PE

The River of Life

Primary 1 were talking about their journey on the river of life. Mrs Collins made a river and put her boat onto the calm water, she then added some obstacles for her boat to travel around.  We talked about how sometimes our journeys are smooth and at other times we face challenges. We have to have the tools in our tool box to help us cope in difficult times and we will be leaning more about this over the coming weeks.

We made our own boats to get us thinking about our journey.


d is for dog 🐕

Primary 1 have been learning about the d sound as in dinosaur, duck and dog! Michael the puppet had a feely bag full of things that begin with the d sound including a drum. We  had great fun marching around the playground to the beat of the drum. Mrs Collins taught us the action, the Jolly Phonic song for d and we began to learn how to form the letter. We also made a dog puppet to take home.

The Seasons

Primary 1 having been talking about the different seasons. We have begun to think about the changes we see through each season.
We worked together to create this mighty oak tree in summer.

Keep checking our blog to see how we create the same mighty oak in autumn!


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