All posts by Mrs Collins

Story Pictures

We have been continuing to build our story ideas through pictures, thinking about the WHO, WHERE and WHAT. This week we were helping Michael the puppet to clean his teeth. We used these ideas to draw our pictures. We then  shared our story ideas with Mrs Collins.

Halloween Fun in P1a 🎃

Primary 1 had lots of fun today taking part in Halloween games and crafts. Everyone looked fantastic in their Halloween costumes and there were  lots of amazing pumpkins to look at.


We began our day by sharing spooky stories and then playing lots of Halloween games in the hall.

Back in class we enjoyed a snack together before making a scary ghost 👻  and doing some Cosmic Halloween yoga!

We also played pin the spider on the web!

Beebot Mats

Today we continued to work on coding. We made a plan of the Dark Dark Town from the Funnybones book using pictures under a Beebot mat. We then planned the code the Beebots would need to take them from the start of the mat to the different places in the town.


This week Primary 1 began reading in groups. In our groups we talk about the different books by looking at the pictures, we use our sounds and keywords to help us read the books. As well as our books, and keywords we will be bringing home lists of rhyming words to practise. Please help your child to remember to bring in their reading book, and reading record in their sound packet everyday.



In numeracy we have begun to add numbers. We have been laying out sets of objects and then adding them together. We have talked about what happens when you add numbers and the importance of ordering and pointing at the objects as you add.

We have been using  towers to help us compare numbers. We talked about which tower was taller and how many more cubes were in the taller tower, and  which tower had less cubes in it.

Word Building

Primary 1 continue to practise their sounds and word building everyday, we talk about the sounds we can hear in words, where about in the words the sounds are, and the number of sounds we can hear. We say the word, using our fingers to help us break it into the different sounds

We use magnetic letters to build words.

We work together to build and read words.


Our New Sounds

Primary 1 have been working hard on learning the l, o and u sounds. We have been thinking about words that have these sounds in them and then building three letter words with the sounds such as dog, let, and hut.

l is for lion 🦁

o is for octopus

u is for umbrella


Coding Unplugged

Today Primary 1 were thinking about how to write a code to program a toy. We looked at a battery operated toy and talked about how we could get it to move, for example pressing different buttons to make it walk or stop.

Task 1

We  did a robot dance activity  which involved us moving like a robot by following a set of instructions.

Task 2
We talked about how these instructions could be shown as symbols, an arrow for moving forward and a round arrow for turning (a quarter turn). Mrs Collins arranged the symbols into a “code” for us to follow.

Task 3

Mrs Collins had laid out different pathways for the wheeled toys to follow. We had to match the correct sequence of symbols to it’s matching pathway.

Task 4

Mrs Collins then “cleared” her codes and we had to write our own ones. We tested them with a partner to see if we could write a code that took you from the start to the end.

Task 5

To finish the afternoon we had some fun, using what we had been learning to program the Beebots to move around the classroom. We had to work nicely with a partner sharing and taking turns.