All posts by Mrs Collins


In maths we were comparing the lengths of different objects in the classroom by measuring the objects using cubes. We had to think how long or how tall something was and which object was the longest or tallest.


Writing a Sentence

Last week we began to talk about how to put words together to build a sentence. We discussed the difference between a word and a sentence, how to lay out a sentence, the importance of having spaces between our words and the job of a full stop!
We planned our sentence using our fingers to help us remember the words then we wrote the sentence on our whiteboards.

Scottish Book Week

As part of Scottish Book Week  children in P1 are each given a bag of books to take home and enjoy. Last week in class we spent time  sharing, reading and listening to these books and on Friday the children were thrilled to take their Book Bug bag home.

The first book we focussed on was Arlo the Lion Who Couldn’t Sleep by Catherine Rayner. In the story an owl teaches Arlo about how to  take time to relax his body and mind. We practised some of the mindfulness activities that owl taught Arlo. We then made our own Arlo the lion and drew pictures of the dreams that Arlo might of had.

The second book from the bag was a nonfiction or fact book called My First Book of Woodland Animals by Zoe Ingram. We thought  about the difference between a story book and a fact book and discussed the lay out and the type of information we found in the book.We all got very excited about the interesting facts and wonderful illustrations in this book. We chose fox to draw a picture of using our oil pastels.

The last book in the bag was the story of Inch and Grub by Alastair Chisholm. This is the tale of two very competitive cavemen, who want to have more than the other but in the end they realise that the most important thing to have is each other’s friendship.

We drew what we thought Inch and Grub’s towers of belongings might look like.

On Monday we will vote for our favourite book in the bag. To listen to the books being read aloud or to find out more about the Scottish Book Trust visit


W is for Wolf 🐺!

Our new sound today was w, we got a huge fright when Mrs Collins went to get Michael the puppet out of his special bag but instead of Michael it was Winnie the Witch  🧙‍♀️! She had turned Michael into a frog!

Our book week story today was about a wolf, so to help us learn our sound we made a wolf puppet to take home.

Book Week Scotland

This week as part of Scottish Book Week we will be enjoying sharing, reading and discussing different books.

Today our focus book was The Last Wolf by Mini Grey, this is a story about a girl,  Little Red who discovers there is lots of rubbish in the forest and not enough trees to allow the animals to thrive. Little Red wants to help, so she decides to plant trees and make posters to encourage people to look after and protect woodlands.

After discussing the importance of looking after the woods we made our own posters to encourage people to Save Our Woods!

To read more about Scottish Book Week and to listen to different authors share their books visit the Scottish Book Trust website.






Saying Goodbye to Mrs Ward

Last week we said goodbye to Mrs Ward. We wanted to give her something special to remember her time at Kingsland, so Primary 1a and b worked together to make her a special book about one of her favourite things, dinosaurs 🦕!
Here are a few of our pictures…..



The Dark Dark Town

Primary 1 made their houses for their dark, dark town . They made their houses out of brightly coloured sugar paper just like the ones in the Funnybones books.

Next week we will program the Beebots to visit the different houses in the town.


Remembrance Day

This week primary 1 were learning about Remembrance Day. We discussed what it means to remember, shared the story of the poppy and why people wear them at this time of year. We made our poppies to take home and put up in our windows and on Thursday at 11am we observed a minutes silence.