K is for kite πŸͺ

This week we are learning about the k sound as in kangaroo, kiwi and koala. We talked about words that had the k sound in them, we had to think carefully about where in the word we could hear the k sound eg kit at the beginning, book at the end and donkey in the middle.

We worked hard to make our own kites and then had great fun flying them on the school field

3 thoughts on “K is for kite πŸͺ”

  1. Isla has loved bring all her pictures and creative pieces home to show us. The kite was especially admired by her little sister so Isla made another one home and they have been flying them together.

  2. These blogs are so great, thank you. I think I’ll need to have a look at Schools Out for the kite as that didn’t make it home. I just love the heard of elephants 🀣The h h h hat has also been a favourite for Nathan.

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