Castles and Craft

This week we have been refreshing our dressing up resources and the children were keen to use the materials and costumes to be knights and princesses. They made a fabulous castle in the garden and showed great creativity in making and decorating crowns, shields and bows and arrows. They practised their fine motor skills through mark making, cutting and sticking. They also problem solved to develop their bows and arrows and tested them to see how they could improve them.

The children have also continued to develop their mathematical vocabulary by comparing the sizes of objects and putting them into order. The children  enjoyed marking their heights on the window and seeing how they are all different. They also compared the sizes of their hands and feet. We now have a shoe shop and the children are enjoying practising measuring each others feet, fitting shoes carefully and buying and selling the shoes to each other. They also developed a game in the garden to compare how far the cars travelled by making a ramp and using  piping for the cars to travel down. The children marked the distance each car travelled and compared these to see which cars travelled the furthest. They also used different size bowls and spoons in the water and sand trays and talked about which sizes were best for different activities.

The daily tooth brushing is going very well and the children are continuing to practise cleaning their teeth carefully and talking about why this is important. They are very good at making sure they match the picture on their brush to the one in the toothbrush holder, so that they only use their own toothbrush. Hopefully, the Childsmile people will be back for another visit soon and we can show them how good we are at cleaning our teeth.

Finally, we hope you all have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend and we look forward to welcoming you back on Wednesday 4th May.

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