Welcome Back!

Our first week back after the holiday has been a lovely sunny week and the children have been very busy in theĀ  garden. They have been weeding, adding compost to the beds and planters and preparing the soil to grow plants and vegetables. They have also been moving some of the plants and they have learned how to be gentle with the roots of the plants because they are delicate and the plant needs them to grow. The children haveĀ  learned how to make channels in the raised beds to plant seeds and how to space the seeds out, so the plants have room to grow. They also used stones as markers and wrote the names of the plants on the stones. They have been very carefully looking after the plants and have watered them so that they don’t dry out in the sunshine.

Some of the children wanted to try using different materials around the garden to make cars. They showed great imagination and even experimented with different ways to add wheels and a steering wheel. Another group wanted to make a den to help them stay cool outside, so they used a tarpaulin and worked together to create a lovely shady den.

We have also been comparing sizes this week. We looked at flowers, dinosaurs and different toys to compare and order their sizes. The children enjoyed comparing the shadows of the dinosaurs by chalking them on the path in the garden. We also experimented with different size tubes to roll a ball down and talked about how long the ball took to roll through each tube.

Looking after our teeth has been a key focus this week. We have been talking about foods and drinks that are good for our teeth and how to clean our teeth carefully at least twice every day. We are now able to start toothbrushing in nursery again and we will continue to support the children to understand the importance of toothbrushing and to practise cleaning their teeth every day.

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