World Book Day

This week we have been celebrating World Book Day by sharing our favourite books from home and in nursery. We have enjoyed listening to and talking about these stories in our group times and drawing pictures of our favourite books and the characters in them.

Monday was a freezing cold day and the children found some ice in the garden. They wanted to find out how cold the ice was, so they gathered it into a pile and used a thermometer to measure the temperature. The children noticed that the temperature changed as the ice melted.

We now have a Music Hut in the garden where the children can experiment with the instruments to express themselves. They have enjoyed this so much that they created a musical space inside and started a musical conga around the room.

The children have been busy developing their creativity and using team work to create new areas in the nursery, based on their interests and the ideas that they would like to explore. Some of the children have shown a key interest in nails and have created a nail bar which is helping them to practise turn taking, recognising colours and developing fine motor skills. Another group of children created a large car garage outside in a garden hut. They worked together to problem solve and develop their ideas so they could move the cars up and down the garage, using long tubes and pipes. the children have also experimented with the train track to find ways to connect the dolls house to the house role play area across the room. We also now have a puppet theatre, which the children are using to create shows for each other and to share stories and books. Some of the children are enjoying playing hiding games and they decided to build a den using blankets and play bricks.

The children have been developing their scissor skills by cutting out letters and using them to spell their names. Some children are also practising writing their names on their pictures.

A lot of the children enjoy helping and having jobs to do, to show how responsible they can be. Mrs Thomson even had a little helper to dry the dishes, put them away and clean the cupboards.


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