Fun in the Snow

This week we have enjoyed playing in the snow. The children have been making snowmen and using stones to make faces. They also had lots of fun sledging and pulling each other through the snow and  showed great creativity and curiosity when experimenting with paints and mark making in the snow. The children have also been experimenting with the tread on their shoes and boots to make different marks and patterns in the garden. They then decided to turn this into a game and  hunted for Big Foot. By talking about the different shapes, sizes and patterns that they had made, they developed their vocabulary and observational skills. All of this outdoor learning was risk assessed by one of the boys, with a bit of help from Mrs Boyle, and he confidently shared with all the children how to play safely outside.

Our quiet group times are a lovely time for the children to share stories and develop conversational and social skills in smaller groups. This week the children and adults have been sharing their favourite books and talking about the different parts of a book, including the front and back covers, the spine, the title and the names of the author and the illustrator. As World Book Day is next week and we will continue to share our favourite books , so please encourage your child to bring in a book to share, if they want to.

The children also used their group times to plan how they would like the indoor space to be set out. They had great ideas and were able to explain their choices and contribute ideas to develop the different areas. We have already started making the changes and will continue to develop them with the children next week.


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