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Roman fun!

Primary 4 and 5 have had a great day today finding out all about Roman soldiers- something that they all wanted to do. Caitlin’s mum who is an archaeologist spent the day with us and taught us lots of interesting things. We looked at lots of replicas of Roman artefacts and tried on helmets, chain mail, armour and shoes. We were also able to look at lots of other every day artefacts and think about how they were used. During the afternoon a very strange Roman soldier visited the classroom! We had a great time and would like to thank Caitlin’s mum for a great time.

Children In Need

On Tuesday the 14th Pupil Council organised some fun activities for Children In Need, we dressed up spotty, had a few competitions and a HUGE bake sale!!! A massive thank you to all the children, parents and family members who baked some delicious cakes, cookies, fudge, brownies and lots more.
We had a wonderful day!


By Rowan and Isla P7

5/6/7 netball tournament

On Monday the 13/11/17 Eddleston PS went to the Gytes to play in the friendly Netball Tournament. We were pleased we won all the games that day. Our team was really good and we showed great team work. Our best match was 3-0 everyone in our team was really happy with the score, it was so much fun

by Connor and Joe


P123 have been enjoying exploring the woods and have been hunting for living and non-living things. We’ve also been discussing what ‘alive’ means and what something needs to stay alive. We have collected and investigated some of the interesting things we have found and designed and made broomsticks to solve our friend Olga’s broken broomstick problem!

Garden tidy

On Friday Primary 6/7 went out in the garden and did a big tidy up and we made a lot of good progress and it is looking better now. A few of us went to the “whacky shed” to tidy it (it was a really big mess) but now it is really neat and tidy too. We hope it will be ready for us to plant new seeds next year.
There are still a few weeds to pull so we will look for a warmer day to finish off.
Jonathon and Connor


We’ve been reading cereal packets and identifying the title and producer, talking about the persuasive (or not!) images as well as hunting for the best before date, contact details and ingredients. Some ‘snap, crackle and popping’ reading!


We’ve had a great time in the bakery during bake-off culmination week… signature dishes, technical challenges  (timing, rolling, chopping and dividing dough, working out how many more we needed) and superb showstopper spiders! Well done, children 🙂