P5/4 Rugby

Primary 5/4 today had rugby lessons with George Blair. They learnt lots of skills and had lots of fun and will go to a rugby festival on Tuesday 17th October. It was a beautiful day and was a great way to start a Tuesday morning. Thank you Mr Blair.


P123 are learning about the human body- including the skeleton, major organs and how to keep them healthy. We’re in the process or building a body and making presentations to share what we’ve found out with the class. We are also looking forward to experiencing each other’ssensory boxes next week… full of interesting things to feel, smell and see.


Primary 5 and 4 have been making circuits and they have tried to make a series and parallel circuit. They have also added motors and buzzers to their circuits. They will also be making a game or a model with a circuit so look out for photos in the next few weeks of their finished masterpieces!

Off to Dalguise.

Primary 7 and Primary 6 left today for their trip to Dalguise. They will be staying there until Friday and we wish them a great week- let’s hope that the sun shines for them.

Watch out in the next few weeks when they will tell us all about their adventures.

Our First Post

Welcome to our first post. We have had a busy start to the term and all of the classes have settled in well. We all started by creating beautiful art work for the Horti show. There was great excitement when we brought the potatoes that we planted in the spring back to school to dig up our crop to see who had the biggest potato. Thank you to Ms Chapman,Mr Chapman and Mary Howie who helped us with this. We were proud of our potatoes!

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