Lunch/snack times
What are these?
These are important parts of the day that should be relaxed, enjoyable and sociable occasions for all children and practitioners. A perfect opportunity to foster positive relationships and for rich learning to occur.
Key messages:
- “When meals and snacks are provided, children are fully involved in the planning and preparation of these, as appropriate.
- Children and staff enjoy eating together in an unhurried and relaxed atmosphere, ensuring a caring and positive social experience.
- Staff recognise daily routines as a rich opportunity to promote close
- Staff are focused on all children and can respond immediately should an emergency, such as choking, occur.
- Food choices are nutritious and reflect current guidance. They are appropriate for children’s individual cultural and dietary needs.
- Children experience warm, caring relationships with staff when receiving
support with feeding.
- Where children are weaning, or are receiving their nutrition from milk feeds, this is well planned.
- Where appropriate, children are included in the overall meal or snack experience with others in the setting.
- Fresh water is available throughout the day and children are encouraged to remain hydrated.”
A Quality Framework for Daycare of children, childminding and school-aged childcare
p 12, Care Inspectorate, 2022
Ways we can do this:
All settings must audit their lunchtime experiences using SBC’s Monitoring Effective Practice in Lunchtime Routine Audit (below) and then develop their practice in line with the Care Inspectorate & NHS guidance below.
Linked Areas of Practice
Reflecting on Practice
SBC Guidance to support
National Guidance to support
Further Reading to support
Training to support
Lunchtime in a Larger Nursery
Broomlands Primary School Early Learning and Childcare, a Scottish Borders Council Nursery hub, share how they support learning through their lunchtime experience.