Durham Commission on Creativity in Education


The Durham Commission was a collaboration between Arts Council England and Durham University, which was set up to examine how creativity, and in particular creative thinking, across the curriculum is supported by the current education system.

It looked wider than the trading expression of creative activist such as the arts and music to include how it can be seen and valued in the STEM subjects.

The report highlighted that creativity skills are key to equipping our young people for their later life and work, in an ever changing world.

Following 18 months of research, the Commission produced a report and recommendations, to promote good practice, highlight gaps and promote long term step change in how creativity in used within education.

For more information on the future world of work explore some of the projects and research by organisations such as the RSA and Nesta



The key recommendations of the report were that


Teaching and creativity through system leadership and collaboration

Barriers to teaching for creativity

Recognising the value of creativity

Evaluating the impact of creativity

Digital technologies, creativity and education

Creativity and the arts in schools
Creative beginnings: pre-school and the early years curriculum


1: Teaching and creativity through system leadership and collaboration




The Commission  produced a number of case studies and videos, two of which are presented here.



You can download the full report here

The Durham Report 2019