Category Archives: Theory

What is creativity and why is it important?

Durham Commission on Creativity in Education


The Durham Commission was a collaboration between Arts Council England and Durham University, which was set up to examine how creativity, and in particular creative thinking, across the curriculum is supported by the current education system.

It looked wider than the trading expression of creative activist such as the arts and music to include how it can be seen and valued in the STEM subjects.

The report highlighted that creativity skills are key to equipping our young people for their later life and work, in an ever changing world.

Following 18 months of research, the Commission produced a report and recommendations, to promote good practice, highlight gaps and promote long term step change in how creativity in used within education.

For more information on the future world of work explore some of the projects and research by organisations such as the RSA and Nesta


The key recommendations of the report were that


Teaching and creativity through system leadership and collaboration

Barriers to teaching for creativity

Recognising the value of creativity

Evaluating the impact of creativity

Digital technologies, creativity and education

Creativity and the arts in schools
Creative beginnings: pre-school and the early years curriculum


1: Teaching and creativity through system leadership and collaboration




The Commission  produced a number of case studies and videos, two of which are presented here.



You can download the full report here

The Durham Report 2019

Creativity is the key to education

Creativity is the key to education, so why aren’t we pursuing it?

With an innovation problem in the UK’s economy, many children being disengaged with education and a desire for user-led services, now is the time to aggressively support creativity in schools.

Creativity in schools isn’t just restricted to the teaching of “creative” subjects; art, English etc. In fact even that definition of what subjects are creative is a misstatement of what creativity can mean. Sir Ken Robinson, the go to man on issues of creativity in schools, has previously written about an interview he did with Hans Zimmer, the Oscar winning composer. Apparently Zimmer was a disruptive child at school; he was thrown out of eight of them. When he got to the ninth, the head teacher took him to one side and spoke to him, trying to figure out how to get Zimmer involved in education. Zimmer said he liked music and so the head teacher organised for him to study music, which went onto improve his performance and engagement across all subjects and led to his successful career.

The creativity we see in this example isn’t only the music that the music that Hans Zimmer played, but also the teaching method. The head teacher was creative in their teaching methods, something which is sadly becoming more and more difficult in a heavily regulated teaching environment. It’s the strange paradox of the coalition’s education that they pursue a top-down approach whilst also crying ‘autonomy’ while they let groups set up free schools.

One current political trend is for localism; bottom-up politics. We can see it in the push for greater devolution (particularly amongst proponents of a constitutional convention) and in the movement for patient-led services. Creativity can provide this trend with a home in education; teachers who are able to determine their own teaching methods in response to what children want and need. School is a notoriously divisive experience for people, with many disengaging entirely with it. Surely if the way in which they were taught was responsive  and creative, students will respond better to education.

This idea touches upon one of the core tenets of creativity; self-determination. Creativity gives a voice to a person’s thoughts, whether it be in writing a song or developing some new software for internal company use. It also, despite prejudices suggesting otherwise, contributes to the economy. A recent experiment saw that science students outperformed arts students on a creative writing task. You might think this backs up Nicky Morgan’s point, when in fact it does the complete opposite because the experiment showed the value of creative thought of scientists in their workplace. The creativity and innovation of these scientists push forward the organisations they work for, instilling the atmosphere of a startup company, the small businesses of which the coalition government is so proud.

The perspective that Nicky Morgan has on the humanities and arts (and by the way shouldn’t she be doing something about employment prospects?) is representative of a wider problem that government has with creativity. Nicky Morgan’s predecessor Michael Gove was fond of saying that creativity could only come off the back of formal education in topics like grammar and David Cameron has expressed his preference for a UK film industry that produces more blockbusters like Harry Potter and less independent films. These men have shown that the coalition doesn’t get creativity, it isn’t just about producing Hollywood blockbuster’s or forcing children to write grammatically correct haikus; it’s about expression, innovation and self-determination. If the government can’t see the economic, political and societal benefits to a creative education, then perhaps they need to think a bit more creatively.

Dan Holden leads on political research at ComRes. He tweets @DanSHolden.


Authors in Schools

Our Authors in Schools project is run in collaboration with the award winning bookshop Mainstreet Trading, in St Boswells. The event brings along well know children authors who deliver engaging talks to encourage reading and speak the children imagination. 


The authors speak to classes and assemblies at the school, talking about their work, writing style and answering questions.  Sometimes a number of small schools have joined together in one host school, which receives a class set of the author’s book. The enthusiasm brought by the authors inspires the children and brings the book to life, encouraging reading and discussions around characters and plot lines. The class teachers  usually includes the visit as part of wider literacy activity, such as the children writing their own stories, producing artwork or learning different  styles of writing.


Some of the schools have  is also visited by a mobile bookshop, in the back of a converted a Citroen H Van. A surprising number of children have never been into a bookshop and this can be due to location, few rural villages or towns have one, or a reluctance to go into one due barriers such as cost, elitism, the type of book available. The book van allows young people to experience a mini bookshop space where they can meet the books author, which help them engage with that story. The ambition of the project is that every child in the Borders meets an author during their primary school years.


Over the course of the project there has a been a wide range of authors including Micheal Morpurgo, Piers Torday, Cloe Inkpen, Emma Carol, Alom Shaha, Chris Ryan, Lyn Garnier, Helen Peters, David Solomons, Danny Scott, Lari Don.

Piers Torday



Chloe Inkpen

What is Creativity?

What is creativity?[cre-a-tiv-i-ty]

1. The capacity to generate ideas; things that have value to the individual.
2. Looking at things with a fresh eye; examining problems with an open mind; making connections; learning from mistakes and using the imagination to explore new possibilities.


In the 2013 Creative Learning Plan the Scottish Governmet stated that

‘A more creative Scotland can only be realised through creative responses to all challenges, across society, at every level. Achieving this will take the e orts of everyone who is passionate about learning, from policy-makers and teachers to professional creative people.’ To help facilitate this education authorities across scotland were funded to develop Creative Learning Networks.

Four Creativity Skills were focused on

  1. Imagination
  2. Problem solving
  3. Curiosity
  4. Open Mindedness

Creativity skills include

  • Being curious
  • Registering patterns and anomalies
  • Drawing on previous knowledge
  • Researching productively
  • Formulating good questions
  • Defining problems
  • Exploring multiple viewpoints
  • Functioning with uncertainty
  • Lateral thinking
  • Hypothesising
  • Synthesising and refining multiple options and viewpoints
  • Inventing
  • Crafting, delivering and presenting solutions
  • Applying discipline and resilience
  • Evaluating impact and success of solutions
  • Identifying next steps in refinement or development process
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