
Welcome to Clovenfords Primary School

Our primary school is in Clovenfords, a village in the Scottish Borders. We are surrounded by beautiful scenery and open, green spaces which is a wonderful environment to have around our children.

Currently, we have six primary school classes, as well as an Early Learning and Childcare Centre.

Our current school building opened in April 2012 and we recently celebrated our 10 year anniversary.

Our school Values are:

Kindness, Respect, Honesty

Our school Vision is:

Together we will strive to ensure that all children will flourish and be celebrated for their own unique abilities.

All children will develop as lifelong learners with resilience, ambition and pride in their achievements.

Each child will know that they matter and that their voice is heard.

Our child friendly school vision:

I am unique.

I am a lifelong learner.

My voice matters.

Across this session we have been working with the pupils to create our Aims, based on the wellbeing indicators. Our school Aims are:

Nurture is when people care for us, are loving and give us food, water and shelter.

To keep everyone safe we should listen to adults and each other, try to make positive choices and follow our school values so we all feel cared for and reassured that it is going to be okay.

We are active by playing, going to different clubs and having fun with our friends.

We are respected because we know that we are listened to.

Achieving is when people are helping us to learn, to build up our skills and to have confidence in ourselves.

We know that learning to make healthy choices supports our physical and mental wellbeing.

Responsible means that we are role models for other people and we can be trusted to do the right thing.

Being included is feeling accepted for who we are.

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