Primary 7

Highlights Gallery


In Literacy this term, Primary 7s writing focus is on imaginative writing. We will be immersing ourselves in creative vocabulary to upskill our writing and amaze our readers. We will be reading and analysing model texts to ‘magpie’ sentence structure, content and ideas to create our own amazing pieces of writing.

We are also learning the skill of note taking with a focus on learning the difference between fact and opinion. We are learning this through written information, videos and online forums.


In Numeracy we are learning a new skill called BODMAS, whilst continuing to strengthen our knowledge of rounding, estimating and the skill of telling the Time. Throughout our Numeracy lessons we have a strong focus on Number Talks and the strategies to support us across the Numeracy curriculum.


In Religious Education we are currently working towards achieving our Pope Francis award. This requires us to carry out different tasks in school, at home and in church. We are constantly reflecting on our actions and how we can be better to follow in the foot steps of Jesus.

Health and Wellbeing

In Health and Wellbeing we are focusing on friendship, emotions and peer pressure. Our wellbeing is paramount to us achieving and reaching our full potential, therefore we start each day with a ‘soft start’. This allows us to have a check in with our teacher if needed, speak to our peers and have some time for reflection. Mr Crookston continues to deliver us high quality PE lessons to take care of our physical well-being.


The digital group are continuing to deliver the up to date news and information of all the ‘going -ons’ in Sacred Heart Primary. The digital group will provide a monthly news letter of diary dates, amazing work going on in our school and any other important information to our parents and careers.