Marvellous March!

Welcome back to our Primary 5 blog! We have been very busy and would like to share some of our learning!


The best week so far in 2017! We had so much fun designing our lab coats, carrying out experiments, problem solving with P4, developing our research skills in ICT and exploring the Science Fayre on Friday afternoon.

Density Experiment

We carried out several investigations and experiments in the class. When Wendy Pring, an environmental engineer, visited the school she talked a lot about space exploration and Mars. She explained that Mars was less dense than earth – this inspired us to investigate further! We poured vegetable oil, water and fairy liquid into a cup and observed the results.

In order to learn more about the water cycle we added water and food colouring to a bag. We added illustrations to represent the sun, sea and clouds. These were placed in warm areas so that we could observe the results. We carried out another investigation adding soil and water to a sealed tub, making our own mini water cycles! We placed these on radiators to see if the moisture would condense at the top and result in precipitation – it worked!

The Water Cycle in a tub!


During STEM week we were very busy carrying out fun experiments and creating our own inventions. Gemma

We had a visit from Wendy Pring, an Environmental Civil Engineer and Susanne McInness, a Structural Engineer. They were really inspirational and told us a lot about their jobs. Mya

We were learning about The Water Cycle by carrying out investigations and experiments in class. We observed what happened to water when it was heated. Daisy

On Friday afternoon we had a lot of fun at the Science Fayre. We had a stall to run where we shared our information about the water cycle, our inventions and soil experiments. Mabel


We are very excited to begin our weekly Wednesday afternoon visits to the allotment! We are so thankful to Paul’s Gran and Emma’s Mum who made it along to help with the turnover of the soil before we begin planting next week.  As a class we phoned Morrison’s to ask if they would donate seeds for us to plant – they said yes!

Remember to bring sensible footwear and clothing please!

Number Talks

Primary 5 has an excellent Maths Mindset!  We spend 15 minutes each day looking at a calculation. We then talk about all the different ways we can think of to solve it.   After this we discuss which method we prefer and which is the most efficient. There are special hand signals that we use instead of waving our arms in the air – which can be very distracting and could put some of us under pressure!  Mrs Gibby from Kincaidston Primary came to help us work on our Number Talks.  You can see we were concentrating and making good use of our hand signals!

Hand Signals
Number Talks in Action



We have been making tuff tray designs with Mrs Messner. These designs are inspired by story books for young children for example, The Ginger Bread Man and Room on the Broom.   As part of our learning we had to create a setting that would help younger children explore the story and develop their understanding.

It was fun making the setting. Hattie

In my group we were working on the story The Three Little Pigs and we had to try and build the houses which was really fun! Oriana

We were working on The Gingerbread Man and we had to paint our setting onto the paper which was exciting. Emma


A new homework routine will begin next week just before the Easter Holidays. Homework will be given out on a Tuesday and collected in on a Friday. Tasks will consist of a spelling and maths activity which will reinforce the learning in class.

Mrs Taylor is looking forward to meeting everyone at Parents Evenings next week!