Category Archives: Numeracy

Term 3 at a Glance

This term we will be learning our Scottish poem: ‘Sair Finger’ for our Burn’s competition and alongside this we will be learning about Scotland thkatie-morag_brand_logo_bidrough our new topic: Katie Morag.  With the start of British Science Week on the 10th of Match and our STEM week starting on the 13th of March we will be looking at a range of Science topics including Energy; Electricity; and the Sun and Moon.  We will also be using a range of Technologies and looking at ways we can construct objects.

In Literacy we will be focusing on i-love-books-i-heart-books-sketchy-heartcharacter and questioning using Bloom’s Buttons during our reading tasks.  The Reading Challenge will return for February as part of a ‘I love books!’ month and there will be 2 winners.  We will also be learning about wow words and creating leaflets in our writing tasks.  Then during our STEM topic we will be creating and performing class talks about Scottish inventors and engineers to develop our listening and talking skills.

In Numeracy we will be measuring and weighing objects, revisiting addition and subtraction with a focus on mental strategies, using and counting money and fractions.  In Big Maths we will be adding 2 and  3 to 1-digit numbers with speed, doubling and halving and using number lines to help us begin to calculate in our heads in different ways.