
In Heathfield, we endeavour to work in partnership with parents and members of the community to the benefit of all pupils. Nurturing and strengthening home-school partnerships is one of our top priorities in Heathfield Primary School.  We recognise that parents, carers and families are by far the most important influences in a child’s life and that their support plays a vital role at all stages in education.

In order to continuously foster and develop positive partnerships with parents and families, we provide a range of meaningful opportunities for parents and carers to be involved in the life of the school. These opportunities include regular PEEP (Parents Early Education Partnership) sessions for Early Years parents and carers; stay and play sessions in the Early Years Centre, Care Planning Meetings; termly ‘Sharing the Learning’ afternoons in school where pupils have the chance to talk about their learning with a visiting adult who knows them well; Induction sessions for new Early Years children as well as prospective P1 children; a comprehensive Primary 1 Induction Programme; P7 Dolphin House and Award of Ambition Information Evenings; Parents’ Evenings; and a variety of Parent Council social events.

Methods of communication between school and home at Heathfield Primary School include the following: e-mail communication, letters, text messages, Facebook, Twitter and of course, our website.

Termly newsletters are issued to all parents, keeping them fully informed about what is happening in the school.

A number of parents regularly volunteer to help on school trips and assist in other ways within the school as Helping Hands.  At Heathfield, we value the continued support and partnership from parents.

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