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Term 2 with Miss Lee

We are off to a flying start in term 2 with Miss Lee! My spooky witches and wizards have enjoyed some Halloween play based learning as well as being introduced to new aspects of learning across the curriculum.


Within literacy, I will be supporting with Talk for Writing on a Tuesday with Miss Morrison on the Story of Charlie and focusing on reading and comprehension on a Wednesday. We will have a separate reading book in class from home due to COVIDĀ  guidelines.


This term we will be focusing on measuring with Miss Lee. We loved measuring with non standard units in P1 and now we are ready to progress on to using a ruler accurately to measure the height and length of objects in P2.

“The paintbrush was 30 cm long, it was longer than the pencil because it was only 23cm long” – Anni

Play Based Learning

We have had lots of fun transferring our skills we are learning in class through play. We enjoyed our Halloween themed PBL and we are now exploring different emergency services relating to fire safety for Bonfire Night and a Dental Practice as part of our IDL on Teeth!