Category Archives: Classes

Term 2

For our topic this term we have been learning all about People Who Help Us. This has involved lots of play based learning through Fire Station role play and construction where many of the children enjoy creating their own police cells and police boats. We did an experiment with Mrs Thomson to see the three things that fire needs to burn and learned about fire and fire works safety. We are continuing to learn about the role of a police officer and looking at the ways that they identify criminals. This has tied in with our Health and Wellbeing where we have been looking at ways that we are “the same but different”. We’ve measured our height, shoe size, taken our fingerprints, and looked at eye and hair colour. We recognise that although we are all different, that is what makes us special and unique and we should celebrate that.

The People Who Help Us topic will continue until Christmas and may also run for a week or two in January as there is so much to learn. We have still to focus on road safety and how the Lollipop person helps us, what doctors and nurses do to help us, our bodies and how our 5 senses help to keep us safe from harm. If 2020 had allowed, we would’ve visited some of the places in the community where people help us or had them visit us. Instead, we will go on a virtual walk around Maybole (using Google Maps) to identify where these services and shops are.

In ICT we have been concentrating on our mouse control when using the computers. Many of the boys and girls are so used to touch screen technology that they were struggling to move and click the mouse in order to select objects or draw. We are already seeing a vast improvement in their mouse control and they are now independently able to use the Paint 3D program to create pictures and shapes and also use the mouse to play games on Education City.

In RME we have been discussing our special places where we feel safe and happy. This leads on to talking about how the church is a special place for Christian people. We will look at the details of the structure of the church and the objects we see inside. We are also going to learn about some of the special Christian celebrations that take place in the church, starting with Christmas and also Christenings.

In PE we have been learning basic gymnastics skills such as different types of jumps, making shapes with our bodies and different ways of travelling. We will also be learning a variety of rolls and some new warm-up games.

In Literacy, we have been very busy learning lots of sounds and new tricky words each week as well as Talk For Writing activities. Our story focus in Talk For Writing is The Gingerbread Man and we have been learning the sequence of a story along with the actions. We will be learning the remainder of the sounds in Term 3.

In Numeracy we having been focussing on adding within 10 and Ten Town numbers 11-20. Everyone loves Ten Town and it is a great resource for Primary 1! We also do mental maths warm-ups and counting everyday. In November we began Measure work through our topic.

As we approach Christmas, we are sad to not be rehearsing for a Christmas Nativity as this was always a special time in the school calendar. However, we will still be creating some Christmas crafts, learning poems and some songs (using sign language) to share with our families. The Primary 1 teachers will still do their very best to make sure this is a special and magical time for your children in the run up to Christmas.


P.6/5 are out of this world! 🚀🌍👽💫

5 4 3 2 1


We have launched into our space topic and are enjoying finding out more about what’s out there…. 🌙 💫 🌟

Our mini astronomers have been creating planet fact files, 3D Solar System models and enjoying learning cool rap sounds about the planets!

Within maths, we have been looking at various ways of multiplying and dividing, up levelling our  information handling by using digital technologies and exploring fractions!  ➗✖️➖➕

Within  literacy, we have been developing our writing through talk for writing. The focus this term has been a ‘quest tale’, based on the text ‘alien landing’. Pupils have been working hard to perfect the use of direct speech and how to create suspense in their story writing. Our classes love joining in with our weekly debates, sharing their views and opinions on relevant, topical matters. 👽

Every week we praise the pupils for their hard work and enthusiasm, what an amazing place to work and learn!!! Go team 6/5! ✨✨✨🌙🌙🌙💫💫💫


Children in Need – Soak the Teacher! 💦



Remembrance Day❤️🖤

To finish off our WW2 topic, the Primary 7 pupils have been taking part in a variety of Remembrance activities.

On Remembrance Sunday, Kayden and Jay did us all proud representing the school by laying our school wreath at the War Memorial.

We painted our own Remembrance rocks and took them down to the memorial at the Greenside as our way of paying respects to those who fought.

The children also performed a beautiful Remembrance Service on the 11th November. They wrote their own lines and shared their WW2 learning whilst honouring all of those who have fought in war. Thank you to everyone who joined us on Zoom and Facebook live! You can rewatch the service on our school Facebook group.

We finished off our topic with groups of pupils showcasing their ICT and research skills alongside their knowledge of WW2 through presentation assessments. Very well done P7!


Term 2 with Miss Lee

We are off to a flying start in term 2 with Miss Lee! My spooky witches and wizards have enjoyed some Halloween play based learning as well as being introduced to new aspects of learning across the curriculum.


Within literacy, I will be supporting with Talk for Writing on a Tuesday with Miss Morrison on the Story of Charlie and focusing on reading and comprehension on a Wednesday. We will have a separate reading book in class from home due to COVID  guidelines.


This term we will be focusing on measuring with Miss Lee. We loved measuring with non standard units in P1 and now we are ready to progress on to using a ruler accurately to measure the height and length of objects in P2.

“The paintbrush was 30 cm long, it was longer than the pencil because it was only 23cm long” – Anni

Play Based Learning

We have had lots of fun transferring our skills we are learning in class through play. We enjoyed our Halloween themed PBL and we are now exploring different emergency services relating to fire safety for Bonfire Night and a Dental Practice as part of our IDL on Teeth!

Halloween Is Coming!

We have been exploring potions! We have been measuring bicarbonate of soda and vinegar to watch the cauldron bubble. “Izzy Wizzy lets get busy time to make my potion Fizzy”!!!! We has super fun scooping our pumpkins and feeling a variety of sensory materials such as jelly, ice, noodles, spaghetti, playdough and beans!!!

We have been exploring rhyming CVC  words through the story ‘Room and the Broom’.  We made ‘Silly Soup’ using bats, cats, logs, dogs, star and car! We have also been singing lots of Halloween spooky songs.

We have been learning new mathematical language when making our witches wands. We have been exploring height too. How many pumpkins high are you?   

Reward Friday – 6th November

🌟 Miss Morrison’s Friday Reward Winners 🌟
Well done to Charlotte, Caleb and Robert who gad some hot chocolate today for being super this week 🤩
Robert for his super story mapping and great work ethic this week.
Caleb for his super creativity and lovely, thoughtful gifts he made in his own time for his friends.
Charlotte for being considerate to all her fellow pupils and for always offering to help others if they are a little stuck.
Superstars! 🥇

Talk for Writing Term 2 ✍🏼

Talk for Writing – Wishing Tales ✨

This term, Primary 7 have been focussing on Wishing Tales as part of Talk for Writing.


We have completed our own baseline assessment ‘cold task’ of writing a Wishing Tale with no input. We will then do our Hot Task assessment at the end of the unit and measure our progress.


As part of the imitation phase we have been learning our model text ‘Hettie’s Unicorn’.

Ask your child why we learn a model text.

To help internalise the model text, we have been creating and performing actions, developing story maps using symbols and emojis and then re-writing the text from memory!

Check back soon to see our next phase – innovation!