Remembrance Day❤️🖤

To finish off our WW2 topic, the Primary 7 pupils have been taking part in a variety of Remembrance activities.

On Remembrance Sunday, Kayden and Jay did us all proud representing the school by laying our school wreath at the War Memorial.

We painted our own Remembrance rocks and took them down to the memorial at the Greenside as our way of paying respects to those who fought.

The children also performed a beautiful Remembrance Service on the 11th November. They wrote their own lines and shared their WW2 learning whilst honouring all of those who have fought in war. Thank you to everyone who joined us on Zoom and Facebook live! You can rewatch the service on our school Facebook group.

We finished off our topic with groups of pupils showcasing their ICT and research skills alongside their knowledge of WW2 through presentation assessments. Very well done P7!


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