Home Learning Week 08.02.21

Hello everyone!

Another week and (hopefully) our final in home learning – we are so proud of all your hard work so far and are so excited to see all of your lovely faces very soon! 🥰

This week, there is a Health and Wellbeing focus, with family oriented tasks at the heart of it all. Please see below the PDF attached, which will link you to all the resources needed throughout the week. There are no daily ten’s or live lessons this week, however please see the spelling list and practise your new words throughout the week with some active spelling tasks. I have also attached our weekly grid, which will give you some maths tasks to follow.

Have a lovely week and remember to send lots of pictures,

Miss Morrison 🌟

Health and Wellbeing Week 08.02.21

Spelling List 08.02.21

Weekly Overview 08.02.21


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