Today P5-7 worked in teams to plan and organise a pretend end of term Christmas Party for 100 children and invited guests. It was to be an evening party with food, drinks, décor and entertainment.
This was a super opportunity to put our mathematical skills to the test. We made use of fractions and percentages to work out VAT at 20%, information handling to interpret and organise survey results, measurement to calculate decorations required and calculations using time to plan for setting up and DJ time slots.
I was very impressed with the cooperation and problem solving skills displayed during this task …. and would not hesitate to book any of our young party planners for my next party!
Due to staff absence and sickness, I have had to make the difficult decision to postpone our Christmas Nativity Performance.
I appreciate all the hard work the children and staff have put in to the performance and am committed to showcasing this achievement before the Christmas holidays.
It is my intention to re-arrange the nativity for the morning and evening of Tuesday 20th December. Times and ticket arrangements will remain the same, however if you have any difficulties with this please contact the school and we will try to accommodate you.
As always your help and understanding is appreciated and as they say … “the show must go on!”
Parents and families are invited to school on Thursday 24th November at 6pm to find out more about how we teach reading and literacy skills across Fisherton Primary an EYC.
The sessions will be led by Mrs McDowell who will give an over view of early level reading in the EYC. Mrs Eaglesham will give information on the 3 Read approach being delivered to P1 and P2, and, Mrs Hamilton will give an insight into our Book Clubs and Literacy Circles being used in P4-7.
I am certain this will be an informative and enjoyable evening which will help you supprot your child at home and help them develop their reading skills.