The pupils and staff with be continuing their journey towards being a Rights Respecting School (RRS). We will continue to communicate how we are aiming to achieve the title of RRS and will keep you informed of how you can help us. We are starting the year off by re-painting the mural that is located in the playground. The children and busy designing this and will use ODL days to prepare the wall and paint the mural. I will also be running and Eco after school club which will address some RRS themes. The new mural will have a RRS theme. If anybody is able to donate masonry paint, scrubbing brushes, paint brushes or time I would be very grateful. Keep logging onto the website to follow our RRS journey, discuss children’s rights with your child and contact me if you have any ideas of how we can involve parent and community in this venture.
log onto these website for more information.
Article of the Month
Article 42
All adults and children should know about this convention.
Article 42 of the UNCRC says that all children, young people and adults should know about the Convention.
People should think about ways to make sure everyone knows about the Convention, regardless of their age. There should be training around how to do this, especially for those who work with children and young people.