
P 5-7  have had many experiences and lessons this year to try to ignite their imagination.  Through Word Aware they developed their vocabulary and during VCOP (VCOP info)  activities they explored how to add extra pizzazz to their writing.  After discussing their ideas and interests we planned activities that they would find engaging.  Their final 2016/17 writing assessment was an imaginative story.

Write an imaginative story with interesting characters, a magical setting and a plot that will entertain the reader.

– Provide suitable detailed information about a character or setting to fit the genre through description and/or dialogue.
– Write a story that has a detailed opening, middle and appropriate conclusion.
– Consistently continue the characters, setting and events of the original story with sufficient supporting detail.

They rose to the challenge and produced some very entertaining stories! Some titles include….

Trapped          The Portal         The Shy Girl          Dashes

Help!       The Book from Another World       The Darmis

A Christmas Eve Adventure        The Ungrowable Sapling

The Magical Monopoly Adventure      The Aphelion     

The Phenomenal Adventure      Pencil Case

The Fish’s True Power       The Car’s Wish      The Unicorn Island

Teenage Drama              Shred Candy Land



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