Category Archives: P3/4/5

Playground Leader Work with Connor

This morning Primary 4/5 developed their leadership skills with Connor. They were able to plan, deliver and evaluate games with their peers.

RRS – Article 29 – Education should develop each child’s personality and talents in full. It should encourage children to respect their parents, and their own and other cultures.

Article 31 – All children have a right to relax and play, and to join in a wide range of activities.

Outdoor symmetry

Today we were set a challenge- we were tasked to build a 3D symmetrical construction using the loose parts. We build it in the MUGA because there was already a line of symmetry. We then worked together on our challenge. We worked as a team and counted footsteps before placing items to make sure they were the same on both sides. There was some debate and discussion but we got there in the end.  Our symmetry construction then became an obstacle course and a human balance scale!