Category Archives: Home

Swimming and Glenapp

Today our Thursday adventures included our normal swimming session and then a visit to Glenapp Castle. The children are improving week on week at swimming and their water confidence is growing. At Glenapp we enjoyed a picnic at the tea room and then we took part in a spring treasure hunt. We found lots of wildlife to tick off on our list. Even the rain didn’t stop us having a great time. Thanks Glenapp for letting us explore your lovely gardens and woodland.


Our Farm Visit

We had had a wonderful time a Scott’s farm. We met Daisy who we saw get milked, we then saw where the milk goes to before it gets collected and taken to the chocolate factory. We also met Jumper who was just 12 hours old. We fed the calves and got to sit in the big New Holland tractor. We finished our visit enjoying a kit kat and a carton of Daisy’s milk.

Beach fun

The Primary 1/2 and nursery children enjoyed a lovely afternoon exploring at the beach. It was a glorious sunny afternoon and the children found lots of ‘treasure’. We walked back to the school with countlesss crabs, sticks, stones, shells and some soggy feet. ☀🦀🐚