All posts by Mrs Hansbury-Brough

Mars Day

Today was Mars day and we celebrated by learning lots of interesting information about Mars. We have explored Mars as part of the wider Solar System, questioned the possibility of life on Mars, imagining what Marstians might look like.  We also looked at how robots are used to help us understand more about the planet Mars and  used Kinnex and junk to make models of space robots.

World Book day stem challenge

One of our challenges today was to build a new house for the three little pigs. Lots of problem solving, design and time management skills were required. The aim of the challenge was to make a house secure enough to avoid being blown down by the big bad wolf, otherwise known as Mrs Ball’s big bad hair dryer. There were some great creations, and lots of enjoyment had by the children.

Primary 1/2 Learning Update

We have had an extremely busy week in Primary 1/2.  We have made pumkin soup, learning to develop our chopping skills and following instructions.  We had a lovely outdoor learning afternoon looking for signs of autumn and collecting lovley things to make autumn jelly.  We continue to learn new sounds and numbers and some of us have been playing school in free play putting into real life practice our learning! Primary 2 have loved learning their numbers to 100 this week and are doing a great job using a 100 square to find numbers.  Primary 1 have been ordering numbers.  This week our story writing was linked to the story Room on the Broom and we had some very creative brooms in our stories. We loved melting our frozen hands today, exploring different ways to free the hidden treasures inside. The week ended well with a chocolate apple and a disco on the playground.

sharing our learning

We have been very busy over the last few weeks. We have been continuing to learn about the sun, moon and Earth. We explored how craters are formed on the moon using special moon dust and marbles.  In literacy we are continuing to learn new sounds, tricky words and developing our writing skills.  We have enjoyed playing games on the playground helping us to recognise numbers and counting.  Mrs Lorimer visited us with some honey from her own bees which we all enjoyed tasting.  We have been problem solving, working together, constructing and having a great time in the outdoor classroom too.

Sharing Our Learning

This week we have been investigating rockets, exploring the different ways that forces can make things move.  We loved making our rocket mice and straw rockets. We discussed and shared our knowledge of air pressure and gravity.  We compared our mice and rockets suggesting reasons why some went further than others.  In other learning we have been developing our drawing skills, using mirrors and touch to draw self portraits, we used loose parts to make our own play dough faces too.  In maths we have been developing our understanding of number  to 10 and 20 and worked together to make a natural number line.  There has been lots of counting, singing and practising new sounds too!

Primary 1/2

The children are getting on great in class and we have already enjoyed so much learning together.

We are loving story time and in particular The Gingerbread Man.  We have been answering questions to develop our thinking skills and we even made our own gingerbread men.  One gingerbread man escaped too!!

We are learning about rhyme and syllables and the primary 2 children are picking up with their reading.

In numeracy we are learning all about numbers to 10 and 20 through lots of fun games and activities. Mrs Gregg is helping us to learn our shapes.

There is also time for lots of play and time outdoors.

Learning Update

There is so much to share. We have been extremely busy over the last few weeks. There have been lots of science investigations. We have been learning about chemical reactions, floating and sinking and environment sampling, exploring where daisies grow. We have had sports day, we have built boats, baked bread, made butter, learned about time, learned about directions using the electronic toys and wrote our own stories using stories we enjoy to inspire us.  And much more…Phew!