All posts by SA12armours@glow

Fairytales with Miss Blackie

Miss Blackie from Girvan Primary kindly asked primary 1-2 to join with a Girvan Primary One class in learning about Fairytales. There were lots of different activities linked with the theme of fairytales  including making a clock using a lemon as a battery, building and investigating with cogs, and designing our own watches and clocks. The children were able to use magic beans to create patterns and our primary one girls ordered bean stalks from shortest to tallest.  Some boys and girls wrote their own fairytales.  It was a fantastic afternoon and we have been invited back next week to join in the Humpty Dumpty and Rapunzlel fairytale activities.

Primary 1 -2 Outdoor Learning with the Nursery


Primary 1 and 2 had a fantastic day with the nursery in Ballantrae. We were very creative and made our own paintbrushes with what we could find on our walk. We also made magic wands and enjoyed playing with them.  We were safe and responsible at all times,  we even set our own boundaries of where was safe to play. Primary 1 and 2 enjoyed helping the nursery children and made sure they held their nursery partner’s hand when walking to and from the river. The children helped each other, shared resources and were very creative while learning outside.  We all enjoyed spending a day in Ballantrae and hope to be back soon for another outdoor day!