All posts by SA12armours@glow

Active Maths in p5/6/7

Primary p5/6/7 have been taking part in different activities to develop their understanding of place value over the last week. They have been learning to read and write up to nine digit numbers.  They have been learning to add and subtract powers of ten and they have been learning to compare and order numbers. They have learned a lot and have had lots of fun doing so!

Learning Gaelic in Primary 3/4/5

  • Primary 3/4/5 enjoyed learning to say colours in Scottish Gaelic. They played games where they had to listen for the word in Gaelic then run to the flash card  of that colour. They also rolled a dice and had to say which colour they had rolled in Gaelic. They also showed that they could read and understand the words for colours in Gaelic.  The pupils were very enthusiastic and enjoyed revising the vocabulary.
    Dathan – Colours

dearg – red

gorm – blue

liath – light blue

uaine – green

dubh – black

geal – white

Purpaidh – purple

pinc – pink

orains – orange


Learning Gaelic in Primary 1/2

Primary 1 and 2 were learning to say colours in Scottish Gaelic on Friday. We played some games where the pupils had to listen to the word in Gaelic then run to the correct coloured cone. We rolled a coloured dice and the pupils had to say in Gaelic  which colour they had rolled. They had great fun and enjoyed learning the new Gaelic vocabulary.

Dathan – Colours

Uaine – Green

Gorm – Blue

liath – light blue

Purpaidh – purple

Buidhe – yellow

Geal – white

Dubh- black

dearg – red

pinc – pink

orains – orange

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