Pupil Council

Alloway PS Pupil Council represent the views of all pupils which are highly valued within our RRS Gold school. We meet on a monthly basis to discuss ways to improve our school, organise events and fundraise. We work alongside various adults, committees, charities and other agencies to embed change and to help ensure Alloway Primary School is the best it can be.

Our Projects:

Children in Need
Children in Need day 2019 was a roaring success! 👏🏼Thank you to all pupils, parents and staff for your support and efforts.  We all had a brilliant day and we raised an amazing £641.91! 🤩

Poo Patrol
We have recently noticed a lot of dog poo around our school and in our community and we want to help to clean it up, so that all children in Alloway Primary stay healthy in school. We are making Super Pooper Bag Dispensers and will put these up around the school, alongside our campaign posters. We will also be working with the RRS group in order to strengthen our campaign. Keep a look out for Super Pooper Bag Dispensers. (COMING SOON  😀)

NSPCC     See the source image
We recently had a visit from the SSPCC who came in to talk to us about our right to be safe and to be cared for. They are travelling around the UK sharing their message:  “Speak out stay safe!” We will be working with the SSPCC over the next few months to raise awareness of this powerful message and fundraise for this very valuable cause. We hope to empower all children in Alloway PS to “speak out”, to a trusted adult, if they are worried or concerned about anything at all.




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