Category Archives: Lewis Room

How We Learn


Practicing our self-help skills.

We all begin to learn self-help skills as babies, and it continues throughout our lives . Self-help skills encourage young children to start taking responsibility for themselves. It promotes a sense of achievement and in turn gives young children the autonomy to make decisions that affect them.

The children are encouraged to help prepare snack. 


Using different utensils at snack time help to develop fine motor skills.


World Book Day 

We recreated the story of Handa’s Surprise using props.  The children took a particular interest in the animals in the story and had fun guessing what noises they made.


Look it’s a wee Monkey “Naomi-Leigh”



settling into our new room

We would like to welcome all of our children back after the Christmas holidays and also welcome all our new  children into Lewis room.  We have been spending lots of time getting to know our new environment, our friends and the ladies. Below are some pictures of some of the fun things we like to do while at nursery.

2-3 Room Outdoor Play


We all have a sensory system called the vestibular system which gives us our sense of balance and spacial awareness. It helps us coordinate our large and fine motor movements and maintain our posture.

The best way to help babies and young children develop this system is through providing daily opportunities for physical play, especially outdoors.  ( Realising the Ambition  Feb 2020)