Category Archives: Information

P5 Visits to Paisley Museum

Primary 5 will be visiting Paisley Museum to participate in a workshop about Paisley artist John Byrne.

The classes will visit on the following dates:

Primary 5c      –           Tuesday 6 September (pm)

Primary 5a      –           Thursday 8 September (am)

Primary 5b      –           Thursday 8 September (pm)

There is no cost for this trip as we will walk to and from the Museum. Children should wear their uniform as normal and wear a waterproof jacket.

We are looking for parent helpers to accompany us on the trip. Please complete the tear off slip from the letter the children received and return to school.

Thank you

New Term Newsletter

As the session 2016-17 begins we welcome our new Primary 1 parents and pupils, and three new members of staff ; Miss Reid in Primary 4, Miss Loughlin in Primary 5 and Miss McKenzie in Primary 7. I am sure that all new starts, pupils and staff will enjoy being part of the West community.  Welcome back to all existing pupils and staff who have returned with enthusiasm and a great sense of purpose.

At the end of last session we said a sad farewell to two very valued members of staff who moved on to new posts. Mrs Louise McAllister, an additional support needs assistant worked at West Primary for many years and built very strong and positive relationships with all pupils and was highly skilled at providing support where required.  Mrs Alexis Irwin worked here for fifteen years, initially as a classroom assistant and then as a clerical officer.  Her bright and bubbly outlook, as well as her hard work, were a real asset to the school.  Both ladies are very much missed, but we wish them well in their new ventures.

You have been issued with an annual data check and it is very important that this is returned so that we can have the most up to date information for your child.  If any of your details change across the year please contact the school office so that records might be updated, particularly any medical information or change of telephone number.  Please also return the Flu vaccination letter as after the cut-off date of Friday 2 September we cannot guarantee your child will be able to have the vaccination in school.

Pupil safety is of upmost concern and we ask for your support in this.  If for any reason you need to communicate with your child during the school day please do so via the office. If you are collecting your child outwith normal pick up times please do not cross the playground but walk round and enter via the main entrance on Newton Street.

Our House system continues to have a high profile in promoting positive behaviour and linking in with the Rights Respecting School programme.  Pupils are rewarded with House Points for demonstrating good behaviour and being fully engaged in their learning and for wearing their House Badge which we check up on at assembly.  Lost badges can be replaced at a cost of 20p from the school office.  House points are collected on a weekly basis and the House with the most points that week gets an extra playtime during assembly time.  The weekly points are then banked and there is a reward for the House with the most points each term, as well as a trip out for the House with the most points over the year.

Positive behaviour and social interaction in class is supported in P1 – 3 by Golden time which is a twenty minute slot on a Friday afternoon where pupils can choose play activities or bring in a suitable toy from home to play with.  Behaviour which is not up to West Standard can result in a loss of some or all of this Golden time.  In P4 – 7 Activity Time takes place once a month for an hour and pupils can lose some or all of this Activity time.

Please ensure that your child’s name is on every item of uniform and on lunch boxes as we have already had several items of lost property which we have been unable to return as they were unnamed.  As we encourage pupils to bring a water bottle with them every day it is important that this too is named.

The partnership between home and school is very important, particularly with regard to homework.  Many pupils will have daily homework and it is vital that you are aware of the homework tasks your child has to complete, and that you support them with these. Please sign the reading marker and / or diary as necessary and if you have any questions about homework please contact us.  Information regarding homework at your child’s stage will be issued shortly.

We are committed to working with parents, carers and families to support our pupils and will treat you with respect. We will deal with enquiries, requests and concerns quickly, fairly and politely.  We expect all parents and carers to treat each other and our staff politely and with respect.  As a result we do not believe that verbal abuse, violence and aggression are necessary and we will not accept this behaviour.  If anyone acts in a threatening way we will ask them to leave or terminate the telephone conversation and, if necessary, we will formally record the matter or report the incident to the police.  If you have any comments or concerns which you wish to raise please do not hesitate to contact myself, Mrs Ormond or Mrs O’Boyle and we will be only too happy to help.

We look forward to working with you and your child and to another busy, productive and fun year ahead.

Yours sincerely

Lynn Ferguson
Head Teacher

P1 Homework Information Sessions

P1 parents are asked to attend one of our homework information sessions on Tuesday 6th September regarding reading and homework.

Please return the tear off slip you received to school to indicate your choice.

Tuesday 6th September  2.30 -3.00pm

Tuesday 6th September  7.00 -7.30pm

Welcome back!

It has been great to see everyone settle into their new classes since our return on Monday. It sounds like many pupils had a busy summer holiday with holidays away and day trips to many interesting places.

Over the next week we will update the website to reflect the new school year so look out for some changes ahead.

Assessment and Development Class – Language Centre


Wednesday 22nd June is our Well Done Day! We are looking forward to our Mum’s and Dad’s joining us to celebrate our achievements!


BA[1]On Friday 25th June we are planning on going to the Big Adventure for our end of term trip! Please remember that the bus will pick up your child later on Friday morning. All children will be dropped off at their nursery in time for their afternoon session.


The Assessment and Development Class finishes at 12 noon on Tuesday 28th June. All children will be dropped off at home.  Hope you all have a very happy summer holiday!


Wishing all the Assessment and Development Class Children good luck in their new schools in August 2016!

West Language Unit (am & pm classes)

Thursday 16th June is the last day for our Language Unit children.  They will enjoy the last week of school in their mainstream schools, meeting their new teachers and enjoying the fun activities!

We hope they all have a fantastic summer holiday. We are all  keeping our fingers crossed the sun comes back out to play!

We welcome any returning Language Unit child back next session on Monday 22nd August 2016.

Sports Day

Sports Day tomorrow morning (15th June) at 9:30am. The Assessment and Development Class will join West Primary school pupils on the grass area at St Mary’s Primary for the races, weather permitting! Fingers crossed for a dry day!!

Children will need to wear sports clothes.