All posts by Mrs Carberry

Circle Time

We played lots of circle time games today. We ‘mixed up’ using the characters from Snow White. We had to do lots of ‘good listening’ and ‘good looking’. We then enjoyed lots of games focussing on language and communication skills.

We really liked playing the game ‘Ring on a String’. We had to do lots of ‘good looking’ to see who was smiling and hiding ring!

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We all had lots of fun!

Mirror, mirror on the wall…..

Today in the Assessment and Development Class we read the story of Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs. We all looked at ourselves in the magic mirror before drawing a picture of what we saw.

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We coloured and sequenced the pictures of the ‘Snow White’ story. We worked really hard.

sunp0046 sunp0045 sunp0044All our beautiful, hard work is displayed on the wall.

Gingerbread men!

On the 22nd September we sequenced the story of ‘The Gingerbread Man’ and made Gingerbread Men! The camera is now working again so here are the photographs of all the fun we had!sunp0039 sunp0040 sunp0041 sunp0042 sunp0043
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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

This week in the Assessment and Development Class we are reading the story of ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’.  We are a little bit scared of the evil Queen especially when she becomes an old witch but we were glad that the story had a happy ending! Today we joined in with lots of games and activities.


We have been trying hard to remember all the Dwarfs names! Can you remember them?

Little Red Riding Hood

Last week in the Assessment and Development Class we enjoyed reading the story of Little Red Riding Hood. We didn’t like the Big Bad Wolf! There were lots of activities for us to do. We sequenced the story, sang a song, coloured in pictures and narrated a few sentences to make a class book of the story as well as playing bingo and using the playdough boards!

We all joined in the story really well and although we didn’t like the Big Bad Wolf we did enjoy the bit where he ate Grandma up and pretended to be Grandma!


Parent ‘Drop-in’

Our Mums and Dads came to school to hear how we have settled in the Assessment and Development Class. They spoke to our teachers and got to look at all our hard work!

Our Mums and Dads left with big smiles They were all really proud of us!

The Gingerbread Man

This week we have been reading ‘The Gingerbread Man’.  We made Gingerbread Men using the  playdough boards and used lots of arts and crafts materials to decorate a Gingerbread Man.

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“Run run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me I’m the Gingerbread Man!”

Assessment and Development Class – Parent ‘Drop In’

Just a reminder that the parent ‘drop in’ is on Tuesday 20th September.  Times have been allocated and put in your child’s diary. The children have been working hard and have some work on the wall for you to see!  We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.

If you do not have a time and would like to come along to the ‘drop in’ to hear how your child is settling in class, please write a note in your child’s diary and we will do our best to get a time to you on Monday.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears – ADC

Yesterday we listened really well to the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We found another story all about porridge in the library. We really enjoyed the story of ‘The Magic Porridge Pot’.

We enjoyed using our masks to re-tell the Goldilocks story.  We all remembered our phrases!

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