All posts by Mr Carson

P6 Safekids Event

“Safekids” is an experiential learning event which is taking place, this year, at St Mirren Park. This scheme is based on the fact that children learn by doing and being involved in first hand “lifelike” emergency situations, and is an ideal way to gain experience that they will remember and be able to apply in future life.

There are a number of agencies involved in the production of this event and pupils from P6 have the opportunity to take part on Thursday 10 March 9am – 12.15pm. Children should wear school uniform as usual. They will return to school for lunch.

World of Work Week Showcase

On Friday the whole school came together to celebrate World of Work Week. We talked about the Life Skills that we will need and a little bit about the people that came into school this week.

Four Primary 7s spoke about their time on a work placement. They showed us pictures and talked about their experience.

Every year group gave a presentation on the healthy snack they plan to make and sell as part of our Enterprise work. All the presentations were excellent and we look forward to trying the healthy snacks!


World Book Day

World Book Day

Thursday 3rd of March is World Book Day and as part of our literacy programme we would like to invite parents or carers to join us for a visit to the school library, where you can enjoy reading a story with your child. The times for these visits are as follows:

AM session 11am-11.30am                PM session 2.15pm-2.45pm

Your child can also come to nursery dressed as their favourite story character on this day.

We look forward to seeing you on this day.

School Photographer

On Tuesday 15 and Wednesday 16 March the photographer from Tempest is coming to the school to take photographs for all the Primary classes.

P1 and P7 will have class, individual and family photographs taken and P 2 – 6 will have individual and family photographs taken. If you would like a family photograph please send a letter to your older child’s class teacher.

I would ask that the children wear a white shirt and school tie on these days if at all possible.

House Football Competition 2016

The whole school had a great time playing and/or supporting their Houses in our annual competition. Games took place throughout the day organised by Mrs Park and the House Captains.

Well done to everyone who took part and for supporting your House with such enthusiasm!

Week Beginning 22nd February – Dinner Menu Week 3

Grab and Go Dinner Menu


Monday 22nd February

P4 Lunchtime Tennis Club
P5-7 Girls’ Football Club (3-4.15pm)
P1 Multisports Club (3-4.15pm)

Tuesday 23rd February

P5 Girls’ Lunchtime Sports Club
P7 Basketball Club (3-4pm)

Wednesday 24th February

P5 Boys’ Lunchtime Sports Club
Mincecraft Club (3-4pm)
P7 Lockerbie Trip Parents’ Evening (7pm)

Thursday 25th February

P7 Netball Club (3-4pm)

Friday 26th February

Renfrewshire Cross Country for Running Club members