P1 Registration 2023/24 Information for Parents

Primary 1 Registration

Registration of Infant Beginners In Primary Schools – Session 2023/2024

Children who reach 5 years of age between 1 March 2023 and 28 February 2024 inclusive should be registered for education in their catchment school as follows:-

You must register your child in only one school, either the denominational or non-denominational school for your area.  If you need information on schools for your area please telephone 0300 300 0170 or visit our website www.renfrewshire.gov.uk  and search “find it on the map”.

The P1 registration form is accessible on this page via the link below. For those unable to register online we request that you telephone your local catchment school to make an appointment to attend in person during these dates.

Register a child for school – Primary 1 (link)

If you want your child to go to a different school you require to register at your catchment school and thereafter make a placing request.  Placing Request Forms are available from our website above and search “Sending your child to school – Information Pack” under related documents or by telephoning 0300 300 0170 or your catchment school.

If you require any further assistance with the P1 registration process, please contact your local primary school or e-mail: admissionsandtransfers@renfrewshire.gov.uk

P1 induction dates leaflet 2023

Thorn Primary School, Thorn Brae, JOHNSTONE, PA5 8HE, Tel: 0300 300 0189

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