Welcome to the St. Peter’s Nursery ideas page. Here you will find lots of useful tips and hints for activities that you could complete at home.
- What day is it yesterday, today, tomorrow?
- Use timers, phones and clocks to measure short periods of time.
- Count down 10/20 seconds to the table/into bed etc
- Recognising numbers on the clock. If you cover a number, what number was missing?
Number Rhymes and Songs
- e.g. little monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
Mummy called the doctor and the doctor said
“No more monkeys jumping on the bed!”
4 little monkeys jumping on the bed…
Your child can teach you lots more!
- Are you taller than a…?
- Marking height on the wall
- Cut hand shapes out of paper. How many hands long is the couch? How long is the table? Which is longer?
- Who has the biggest hands in our family?
- How many steps from the gate to the front door?