
Dear Parent / Carer,

Welcome to St Paul’s Primary School. Some of you may be familiar with the school while others are meeting us for the first time. I hope the information contained on this site will be useful to you and help you understand the life and work of our school community.

At St Paul’s Primary we provide a warm welcome to children, parents and visitors alike. St Paul’s is a Catholic primary school serving the Foxbar area of Paisley. The current school roll is 208, including 24 pupils in our Anchor Base classes. Our associated secondary school is St Andrew’s Academy.

Our staff are committed to providing a happy, safe and caring environment for every child, where learning experiences are interesting, challenging and fun. We have high, but achievable expectations in terms of behaviour, attitude, uniform and attendance at school. We encourage children to take pride in our school and to take responsibility for their actions.

At the heart of everything we do is consultation and empowerment. We regularly work with pupils and parents to determine our next steps for improvement.

We are very proud of the achievements of our children and we regularly celebrate their successes both in and out of school.

Our vision is to provide opportunities for children to thrive and reach their full potential.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us should you require further information about our school.

Kind regards,

Louise A. Maher


You can keep up to date with all the latest news and information using the following social media.

To follow us on twitter, click here.

You can download our app for  iPhone and  Android phones.

Scan the QR code below if you have an Android phone to access the school app.Scan the QR code below if you have an iPhone to access the school app.

Or view our app as a website here.

Check out our YouTube Channel for some helpful videos to support you with numeracy at home.


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