To read the February update please click here!
Category Archives: News & Updates
New! STEM Challenges
Check out these links to lots of Challenges that you can use in your classroom – for more information click here!
If you would like support or advice as to how to run STEM challenges effectively with your learners please contact Kirsty Johnson, RAiSE Primary Science Development Officer
Pocket GArden Competition from Keep Scotland Beautiful
The Pocket Garden Design Competition 2022 is now open!
Each year, we invite young people from schools and nurseries across Scotland to send in their designs for a colourful and exciting environmentally friendly, pocket-sized garden.
Further information, inspirations, and how it links to the curriculum can be found in this year’s brochure. The deadline for competition entries is 5pm on Friday 25th February.
One of our themes in 2022 is The Year of Stories. What story could a garden tell? Will your garden show a well-known story or represent a new story told by your pupils?
Check out our website for inspiration from previous years. An entry would also be a great addition to an Eco-Schools Green Flag Award application.
Digital Schools Sessions from National Museum of Scotland!
NMS Digital Schools Sessions bring the museum to your class. These free sessions are led by their team of Enablers and cover the topics most requested by teachers, such as Second World War at the National Museum of Flight, ancient Egypt, Dinosaurs and the Romans.
Fantastic Forces P5-7 1 & 3 March 2022
Dinosaur Week P2-4 14-18th March 2022
For more information click here!
Further Fun with Forensics!
Check out these STEM book lists from the Scottish Book Trust!
Looking for some exciting science, technology and maths book recommendations? You’ve come to the right place! There are some amazing STEM titles out there, and here are just a few of the Scottish Book Trust’s favourites.
For more information click here!
New! January Newsletter
Happy New Year!
Please click here to read the January newsletter to find out more about some CLPL opportunities and other STEM learning news!
St Paul’s Primary Teacher CPD
A big thank you to the teachers at St Paul’s Primary who recently invited me to take part in their curriculum development session. It was a great opportunity to share information about the RAiSE programme and how I can support them with the development of science teaching and learning in their school. I was also able to share my top 10 STEM resources and there was time for a few hands-on STEM activities too!
Please get in touch if this is something you would be interested in for your school!
Kirsty @STEMRen #STEMRen
*New! November newsletter
Please click here to read the November newsletter!
British Science Week 2022 – Resource Taster Packs!
British Science Week 2022 take place from 11th – 20th March.
For more information about their taster Primary Resource Packs click here!