The basic aim of any Co-operative learning task is working together to achieve a common goal. Within Co-operative learning activities pupils seek outcomes that are beneficial to themselves and to their team members. Within Co-operative learning, small groups of pupils should be used to allow pupils to work together until each member of the team fully understands the learning intention. Knowing that each individual will only succeed if all group members understand, motivates pupils to scaffold one anothers’ learning whilst improving relationships and social skills of all team members.
Primary 3 really enjoyed this lesson and will be working frequently within their Co-op groups. Each group have now created their ‘Team Identity’.
We have “The Purple Guitars”, “The Dancing Macaroni’s” and “The Green Chocolates”.
Take a look at our Primary 3’s in action.
You can see the co-operation, motivation, engagement, face to face interaction, social skills being developed.